Once your order will be dispatched from our warehouse, you will receive a confirmation email and an SMS containing a link to track your order.
It may not have processed because of technical difficulties. We will urge you to try after some time.
It may have happened because of an unstable internet connection from your end. Please check after a few minutes or use a different browser.
Your order may not have received or captured in our system. In this scenario, the total amount will be refunded to your A/C in the next 6-7 days.
You can send your queries or complaints to support@mobilla.in. For every warranty and service-related issues, you can call "Customer Helpline Service" at 9699605595.
Mail all your B2B related queries to enquiry@mobilla.in
You can choose any of these payment options as given below:
Credit/Debit Card Payment
Net Banking
Wallets: Paytm, FreeCharge, Payzapp